import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import fs from 'fs'; import cp from 'child_process'; import osm = require('os'); import path from 'path'; import * as main from '../src/main'; import * as im from '../src/installer'; let goJsonData = require('./data/golang-dl.json'); describe('setup-go', () => { let inputs = {} as any; let os = {} as any; let inSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let findSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let cnSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let logSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let getSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let platSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let archSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let dlSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let exSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let cacheSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let dbgSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let whichSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let existsSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let mkdirpSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let execSpy: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { // @actions/core inputs = {}; inSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'getInput'); inSpy.mockImplementation(name => inputs[name]); // node os = {}; platSpy = jest.spyOn(osm, 'platform'); platSpy.mockImplementation(() => os['platform']); archSpy = jest.spyOn(osm, 'arch'); archSpy.mockImplementation(() => os['arch']); execSpy = jest.spyOn(cp, 'execSync'); // @actions/tool-cache findSpy = jest.spyOn(tc, 'find'); dlSpy = jest.spyOn(tc, 'downloadTool'); exSpy = jest.spyOn(tc, 'extractTar'); cacheSpy = jest.spyOn(tc, 'cacheDir'); getSpy = jest.spyOn(im, 'getVersions'); // io whichSpy = jest.spyOn(io, 'which'); existsSpy = jest.spyOn(fs, 'existsSync'); mkdirpSpy = jest.spyOn(io, 'mkdirP'); // writes cnSpy = jest.spyOn(process.stdout, 'write'); logSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log'); dbgSpy = jest.spyOn(main, '_debug'); getSpy.mockImplementation(() => goJsonData); cnSpy.mockImplementation(line => { // uncomment to debug // process.stderr.write('write:' + line + '\n'); }); logSpy.mockImplementation(line => { // uncomment to debug // process.stderr.write('log:' + line + '\n'); }); dbgSpy.mockImplementation(msg => { // uncomment to see debug output // process.stderr.write(msg + '\n'); }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); //jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); afterAll(async () => {}, 100000); it('can query versions', async () => { let versions: im.IGoVersion[] | null = await im.getVersions( '' ); expect(versions).toBeDefined(); let l: number = versions ? versions.length : 0; expect(l).toBe(91); }); it('finds stable match for exact version', async () => { os.platform = 'win32'; os.arch = 'x64'; // get request is already mocked // spec: 1.13.7 => 1.13.7 (exact) let match: im.IGoVersion | undefined = await im.findMatch('1.13.7', true); expect(match).toBeDefined(); let version: string = match ? match.version : ''; expect(version).toBe('go1.13.7'); let fileName = match ? match.files[0].filename : ''; expect(fileName).toBe(''); }); it('finds stable match for exact dot zero version', async () => { os.platform = 'darwin'; os.arch = 'x64'; // spec: 1.13.0 => 1.13 let match: im.IGoVersion | undefined = await im.findMatch('1.13.0', true); expect(match).toBeDefined(); let version: string = match ? match.version : ''; expect(version).toBe('go1.13'); let fileName = match ? match.files[0].filename : ''; expect(fileName).toBe('go1.13.darwin-amd64.tar.gz'); }); it('finds latest patch version for minor version spec', async () => { os.platform = 'linux'; os.arch = 'x64'; // spec: 1.13 => 1.13.7 (latest) let match: im.IGoVersion | undefined = await im.findMatch('1.13', true); expect(match).toBeDefined(); let version: string = match ? match.version : ''; expect(version).toBe('go1.13.7'); let fileName = match ? match.files[0].filename : ''; expect(fileName).toBe('go1.13.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz'); }); it('finds latest patch version for caret version spec', async () => { os.platform = 'linux'; os.arch = 'x64'; // spec: ^1.13.6 => 1.13.7 let match: im.IGoVersion | undefined = await im.findMatch('^1.13.6', true); expect(match).toBeDefined(); let version: string = match ? match.version : ''; expect(version).toBe('go1.13.7'); let fileName = match ? match.files[0].filename : ''; expect(fileName).toBe('go1.13.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz'); }); it('finds latest version for major version spec', async () => { os.platform = 'win32'; os.arch = 'x32'; // spec: 1 => 1.13.7 (latest) let match: im.IGoVersion | undefined = await im.findMatch('1', true); expect(match).toBeDefined(); let version: string = match ? match.version : ''; expect(version).toBe('go1.13.7'); let fileName = match ? match.files[0].filename : ''; expect(fileName).toBe(''); }); it('finds unstable pre-release version', async () => { os.platform = 'linux'; os.arch = 'x64'; // spec: 1.14, stable=false => go1.14rc1 let match: im.IGoVersion | undefined = await im.findMatch( '1.14.0-rc1', false ); expect(match).toBeDefined(); let version: string = match ? match.version : ''; expect(version).toBe('go1.14rc1'); let fileName = match ? match.files[0].filename : ''; expect(fileName).toBe('go1.14rc1.linux-amd64.tar.gz'); }); it('evaluates to stable with input as true', async () => { inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.0'; inputs.stable = 'true'; let toolPath = path.normalize('/cache/go/1.13.0/x64'); findSpy.mockImplementation(() => toolPath); await; expect(logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Setup go stable version spec 1.13.0`); }); it('evaluates to stable with no input', async () => { inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.0'; inSpy.mockImplementation(name => inputs[name]); let toolPath = path.normalize('/cache/go/1.13.0/x64'); findSpy.mockImplementation(() => toolPath); await; expect(logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`Setup go stable version spec 1.13.0`); }); it('finds a version of go already in the cache', async () => { inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.0'; let toolPath = path.normalize('/cache/go/1.13.0/x64'); findSpy.mockImplementation(() => toolPath); await; let expPath = path.join(toolPath, 'bin'); }); it('finds a version in the cache and adds it to the path', async () => { inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.0'; let toolPath = path.normalize('/cache/go/1.13.0/x64'); findSpy.mockImplementation(() => toolPath); await; let expPath = path.join(toolPath, 'bin'); expect(cnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`::add-path::${expPath}${osm.EOL}`); }); it('handles unhandled error and reports error', async () => { let errMsg = 'unhandled error message'; inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.0'; findSpy.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error(errMsg); }); await; expect(cnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('::error::' + errMsg + osm.EOL); }); it('downloads a version not in the cache', async () => { os.platform = 'linux'; os.arch = 'x64'; inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.1'; findSpy.mockImplementation(() => ''); dlSpy.mockImplementation(() => '/some/temp/path'); let toolPath = path.normalize('/cache/go/1.13.0/x64'); exSpy.mockImplementation(() => '/some/other/temp/path'); cacheSpy.mockImplementation(() => toolPath); await; let expPath = path.join(toolPath, 'bin'); expect(dlSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(exSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(cnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`::add-path::${expPath}${osm.EOL}`); }); it('does not find a version that does not exist', async () => { os.platform = 'linux'; os.arch = 'x64'; inputs['go-version'] = '9.99.9'; findSpy.mockImplementation(() => ''); await; expect(cnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `::error::Could not find a version that satisfied version spec: 9.99.9${osm.EOL}` ); }); it('reports a failed download', async () => { let errMsg = 'unhandled download message'; os.platform = 'linux'; os.arch = 'x64'; inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.1'; findSpy.mockImplementation(() => ''); dlSpy.mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error(errMsg); }); await; expect(cnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `::error::Failed to download version 1.13.1: Error: ${errMsg}${osm.EOL}` ); }); it('reports empty query results', async () => { let errMsg = 'unhandled download message'; os.platform = 'linux'; os.arch = 'x64'; inputs['go-version'] = '1.13.1'; findSpy.mockImplementation(() => ''); getSpy.mockImplementation(() => null); await; expect(cnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `::error::Failed to download version 1.13.1: Error: golang download url did not return results${osm.EOL}` ); }); it('does not add BIN if go is not in path', async () => { whichSpy.mockImplementation(async () => { return ''; }); let added = await main.addBinToPath(); expect(added).toBeFalsy(); }); it('adds bin if dir not exists', async () => { whichSpy.mockImplementation(async () => { return '/usr/local/go/bin/go'; }); execSpy.mockImplementation(() => { return '/Users/testuser/go'; }); mkdirpSpy.mockImplementation(async () => {}); existsSpy.mockImplementation(path => { return false; }); let added = await main.addBinToPath(); expect(added).toBeTruthy; }); // 1.13.1 => 1.13.1 // 1.13 => 1.13.0 // 1.10beta1 => 1.10.0-beta1, 1.10rc1 => 1.10.0-rc1 // 1.8.5beta1 => 1.8.5-beta1, 1.8.5rc1 => 1.8.5-rc1 it('converts prerelease versions', async () => { expect(im.makeSemver('1.10beta1')).toBe('1.10.0-beta1'); expect(im.makeSemver('1.10rc1')).toBe('1.10.0-rc1'); }); it('converts dot zero versions', async () => { expect(im.makeSemver('1.13')).toBe('1.13.0'); }); it('does not convert exact versions', async () => { expect(im.makeSemver('1.13.1')).toBe('1.13.1'); }); });