import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; import fs from 'fs'; import {State} from './constants'; import {getCacheDirectoryPath, getPackageManagerInfo} from './cache-utils'; // Catch and log any unhandled exceptions. These exceptions can leak out of the uploadChunk method in // @actions/toolkit when a failed upload closes the file descriptor causing any in-process reads to // throw an uncaught exception. Instead of failing this action, just warn. process.on('uncaughtException', e => { const warningPrefix = '[warning]';`${warningPrefix}${e.message}`); }); export async function run() { try { await cachePackages(); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } const cachePackages = async () => { const cacheInput = core.getBooleanInput('cache'); if (!cacheInput) { return; } const packageManager = 'default'; const state = core.getState(State.CacheMatchedKey); const primaryKey = core.getState(State.CachePrimaryKey); const packageManagerInfo = await getPackageManagerInfo(packageManager); const cachePaths = await getCacheDirectoryPath(packageManagerInfo); const nonExistingPaths = cachePaths.filter( cachePath => !fs.existsSync(cachePath) ); if (nonExistingPaths.length === cachePaths.length) { throw new Error(`There are no cache folders on the disk`); } if (nonExistingPaths.length) { logWarning( `Cache folder path is retrieved but doesn't exist on disk: ${nonExistingPaths.join( ', ' )}` ); } if (primaryKey === state) { `Cache hit occurred on the primary key ${primaryKey}, not saving cache.` ); return; } const cacheId = await cache.saveCache(cachePaths, primaryKey); if (cacheId === -1) { return; }`Cache saved with the key: ${primaryKey}`); }; export function logWarning(message: string): void { const warningPrefix = '[warning]';`${warningPrefix}${message}`); } run();